Thank you for your interest. Listed below are the main facts about the vortex tube effect:
- Air is injected sideways in a tube; it gets very cold in the center and hot at periphery

- This temperature separation is fully explained by the turbine equation of Euler.
- This temperature separation can be achieved in a straight moving duct without any air rotation.
- The vortex tube effect is a propulsion phenomenon.
- This vortex effect can be achieved without any “tube”. That is, it can exist as a standalone vortex without surrounding walls.
- A “vortex tube” can be of any size.
- A “vortex tube” can have only cold outlet and no hot outlet. Then it will output cold air and rotational work.
- The traditional vortex tube shown above is a rotorless turboexpander.
Vortex tubes are used for on-demand cooling of air. The images below show a typical commercially sold vortex tube.

The information contained in this site is based on the following research articles written by Jeliazko G Polihronov and collaborators:
- “Thermodynamics of Angular Propulsion”
- “Vortex Tube Effect Without Walls”
- “Angular Propulsion - The Rotational Analog of Rocket Motion”
- “On the Thermodynamics of Angular Propulsion",
- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on HEFAT, 14-16 July 2014, Orlando (2014).
Questions about this site? Email Jeliazko G. Polihronov at:
